Top Trends in Playground Design for 2024: How Implay is Leading the Way

Top Trends in Playground Design for 2024: How Implay is Leading the Way

Top Trends in Playground Design for 2024: How Implay is Leading the Way

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest trends in playground design. We take a look at what’s hot this year, and explore how Implay’s innovative products are shaping the future of play – for every child.


Here at Implay, we’re proud to be bold innovators, standing at the forefront of cutting-edge playground design. Passionate about play, we take an active role in research, continually assessing and analysing evolving play behaviours to develop new products that engage today’s youngsters.

Our role at Implay is to ensure that every child can play in a way that suits them, and really meets their needs in today’s complex landscape. Join us as we explore this year’s hottest playground trends in closer detail, and learn how Implay products are facilitating smart play in 2024 – and beyond.


Adventure play

Are traditional playgrounds becoming ‘too safe’? It appears so. Back in 2016, the Play Worth Remembering project found that 69% of parents felt that playground safety was over the top, limiting opportunities for their kids. Yet nothing really seems to have changed in response.

Until now. As the importance of risk in childhood development becomes more recognised and understood, 2024 is bringing with it an element of adventure. The aim is to empower children to push the boundaries and take risks in safe, secure environments, helping them to build crucial life skills such as resilience.


Eco-conscious play spaces

Here in the UK, people are increasingly looking to buy sustainable produce that’s been grown in ways that have minimal impact on the planet. They’re attracted to highly efficient homes that reduce energy consumption and make use of alternative fuels.

And so it’s not surprising that they’re also seeking out playgrounds and play centres that are able to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. This year, we’re seeing a rapid rise in demand for British-made equipment, minimising ‘play miles’ by eradicating the need for products to be shipped from far-away destinations.


Accessibility & inclusivity

While some playgrounds have already incorporated dedicated equipment for children with disabilities and additional needs, the growing trend in 2024 is inclusive equipment suitable for every child.

In a bid to combat play segregation caused by having ‘disability equipment’ and ‘non-disability equipment’, accessible, inclusive products are designed to be shared and enjoyed by all children. We discuss our commitment to accessibility and explore our approach in more detail in our inclusive play blog – be sure to check it out!


Nature play

The benefits of nature – particularly for mental health and emotional well-being – are becoming more and more apparent. And so, this year, we’re really beginning to see nature themes emerge in indoor play spaces. Underwater play animals and colours from the natural environment are in high demand right now.

They can help to foster stronger connections between children and the planet, and a deeper understanding of the world around us. We’re proud to offer a range of nature-themed soft play equipment, making it easier than ever before to integrate natural landscapes into play spaces.


Holistic play

Looking back just a few years, play was very much centred around fun and physical activity. Today, however, we’re recognising that the benefits can go far beyond the physical. Holistic play considers the child as a whole, and the inherent connection between body, mind, and spirit.

The trend for holistic play is emerging strongly in playgrounds in 2024. Implay products are designed to facilitate open-ended, imaginative play.  Kids are encouraged to engage their creative mind, and draw upon their curiosity and inner self to stimulate every element of their being.


What’s next?

Looking beyond 2024, we anticipate that playground design will continue to evolve as play behaviours and expectations change. A trend we’re expecting to see emerge shortly is the incorporation of STEM-related play, encouraging little ones to explore scientific, technical, engineering, and mathematical concepts in a fun, engaging, and age-appropriate way.

What we know for sure is that playgrounds will keep pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible. And as passionate play designers, that’s something that really excites us. We love being kept on our toes, and having opportunities to create fresh new products that are shaping the future.

Do you want to future-proof your playground? Are you looking for contemporary, innovative products that engage with today’s little ones?


Get in touch with us to chat about your playground plans, and learn more about how Implay products can help you reimagine the future of play.